
SorS 2024

SorS 2023

SorS 2022

SorS 2019

SorS 2018

Education - a Key Basis for the Development of Insurance
prof. dr. sc. Jelena Kočović, dr. sc. Dragica Janković

Personal Growth at Swiss Re
Christian Kreutzer, Mira Kiridžić-Buegler

ASA Osiguranje Academy
Zlatan Deljkić

Importance of Education (Training) of Agents to Increase Insurance Sales
Dragica Korenjak

Investing in Human Capital at Trust Re
Daniel Stanko

Insurance Market of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Emina Jahić

Insurance Market of Montenegro
Ivana Banović

Insurance Market of Croatia
Damir Zorić

Insurance Market of Macedonia
Đorđe Vojnović

Insurance Market of Slovenia
Maja Krumberger

Insurance Market of Serbia
Duško Jovanović

Motorinsurance: Social Function of Compulsory Insurance in Transport - Restrictions in Regulations and Practices
Moderator: M.Sc. Fikret Plevljak

Reinsurance: Cyber risks - Reinsurance and Challenges of the Digital Age
Moderator: Zlatan Filipović


SorS 2017

Insurance market of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Suzana Šakotić, Insurance Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Insurance market of Montenegro
Nebojša Šćekić, National Bureau of Montenegro Insurers

Insurance market of Croatia
Damir Zorić, Croatian Insurance Bureau

Insurance market of Macedonia
Trajče Latinovski, National Insurance Bureau of Macedonia

Insurance market of Slovenia
Maja Krumberger, Slovenian Insurance Association

Insurance market of Serbia
Duško Jovanović, Association of Serbian Insurers
An Efficient Reinsurance Management Grants Monitoring and Right Strategic Decisions
Dario Schiller, C Consulting

Emotional Intelligence on Daily Workplace in (Re)insurance
Siniša Lovrinčević, Trust Re
Experiences of Solvency II Implementation in Slovenia
Sergej Simoniti, Slovenian Insurance Supervision Agency

Experiences of Solvency II Implementation in Croatia
Gordana Letica, Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency

Experiences of Solvency II Implementation in Serbia
Jelena Lončar, National Bank of Serbia
Round table - Coinsurance and Competition Law
Moderator: Zlatan Filipović, Bosna Re


SorS 2016

Insurance market of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Suzana Šakotić, Insurance Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Insurance market of Montenegro
Boris Šaban, National Bureau of Montenegro Insurers

Insurance market of Croatia - Hrvoje Pauković
Croatian Insurance Bureau

Insurance market of Macedonia
Trajče Latinovski, National Insurance Bureau of Macedonia

Insurance market of Slovenia
Maja Krumberger,  Slovenian Insurance Association

Insurance market of Serbia
Duško Jovanović, Association of Serbian Insurers
The Outlook for Insurance and Reinsurance in CEE
Siniša Lovrinčević, Trust Re, Cyprus Branch
Innovations in the Development of Existing and New Insurance Services
Damir Zorić, Euroherc osiguranje, Zagreb

Innovations in the Field of Law i.e. Legal Regulations in the Insurance Industry
Jasna Pak, Singidunum University, Belgrade
ROUND TABLE - The Terms of the Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance
Moderator: Marijan Ćurković

ROUND TABLE- Professional Liability Reinsurance
Moderator: Zlatan Filipović

SorS 2015

SorS 2014

SorS 2013

SorS 2012

SorS 2011

SorS 2010

SorS 2009

SorS 2008